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Daily & Weekly Summary Emails

As a reviewer, you are automatically enrolled to receive daily and weekly summary emails when new prior approval forms or annual certifications enter your queue.

  • Daily Summary Email: Sent each morning, this email lists all prior approval forms and annual certifications that entered your queue the previous day. It excludes items already in your queue. If no new items were added, you will not receive this email.
  • Weekly Summary Email: Delivered early Monday morning, this email summarizes all prior approval forms and annual certifications that entered your queue during the previous week (Monday–Sunday). Like the daily email, it excludes items already in your queue. If no new items were added during the week, you will not receive this email.

Daily/Weekly Summary Email

The following is an example of the email notification you will receive when you are signed up for daily and/or weekly summary email notifications. Select the link to access the prior approval form or annual certification.

example email notification

Form already reviewed

If the form has already been reviewed and is no longer in your queue the following pop-up will appear.

notification for a reviewed form

Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:11:06.822886-08