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Category I Watchlist

This article provides instructions on how to add individuals to the Category I Watchlist. The Watchlist is a feature available to reviewers with the “Cat I Approved Watch List” role, allowing them to view and manage the list of individuals who should be notified when a faculty member's Category I form is approved. When someone is added to the Watchlist, they will receive an email confirmation once the Category I form is approved.

To add someone to a Category I Watchlist:

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard and locate the Forms in My Queue section. The prior approval forms are organized with the oldest forms displayed at the top, ensuring the most time-sensitive items are prioritized.UC OATS Reviewer Workspace
  2. Select the Category I form you want to review.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the form and select the Watch List Email(s) button.Top half of the category 1 form
  4. Enter the individual's name and email address into the form and click the "Add to Watch List" button. The individual does not need to have a UC OATS account to be added to the WatchList. Click close once complete. Top half of the category 1 form
  5. Continue reviewing the Category I form. Once the form is approved, the individuals on the Customer Watchlist will receive an email.Top half of the category 1 form

Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:10:55.049115-08