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Setting Annual Certification

This article will show you how to set the Annual Certification due date for your campus in UC OATS. The initial set up of your of your campus UC OATS interface requires you to follow the Department Data Import process to set up your campus department structure which includes the annual certification deadline. After the initial set up, you can change the annual certification date or set a unit specific annual certification date. 

  • The annual certification deadline is inherited by sub-units.
  • Sub-units can have their own specific annual certification deadline by creating one of their own. The new custom annual certification deadline will override the parent deadline.

To set the annual certification deadline,

  1. Click on the "App Admin" button to open the Application Administrator workspace.Application Administrator workspace page
  2. Make sure you are in the correct fiscal year. You can move forward and back through fiscal years by clicking the arrows.
  3. Select the "Departments" tab and locate the department / unit where the the annual certification deadline should reside. Please note, the annual certification deadline is inherited by sub-units. It is recommended that you place the annual certification deadline at the parent level. You can override the parent level annual certification deadline by adding a new annual certification deadline at a sub-unit level. All units beneath that sub-unit will inherit the new annual certification deadline.
  4. Click the "Edit" button beside the unit. 
  5. Update the annual certification date.editing the annual certification date when editing unit
  6. Click the "Save" button to complete the changes.

Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:11:03.471109-08