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Talent Recruitment & Faculty In-Kind Contribution

This article provides information on the Talent Recruitment and In-Kind Contribution process in UC OATS. Effective July 1, 2024, a new APM-025 policy and APM-671 policy goes into effect. In preparation for this new policy, the following updates were made in UC OATS: 

  • Two new Category I types
    • Honorary, visiting, adjunct, or other institutional appointment (either compensated or uncompensated) at an institution.
    • Talent recruitment programs sponsored by a government agency of a nation other than the United States
  • In-Kind Contribution questions trigged by the following Category I types
    • Administration of a grant outside the University
    • Research outside the University
    • Talent recruitment programs sponsored by a government agency of a nation other than the United States

In-Kind Contribution Questions Triggered

When a faculty selects any of the below Category I types they will be required to answer the below grant support and in-kind contribution questions. Answering the In-Kind Contribution questions in UC OATS does not fulfill the faculty's In-Kind Contribution reporting requirements:

  • Administration of a grant outside the University
  • Research outside the University
  • Talent recruitment programs sponsored by a government agency of a nation other than the United States

In-kind Contibution questions

Email to Campus COI Office Triggered

Once the Category I form is submitted, an email will be sent to your designated campus COI office for the following Cat I types:

  • Honorary, visiting, adjunct, or other institutional appointment (either compensated or uncompensated) at an institution.
  • Talent recruitment programs sponsored by a government agency of a nation other than the United States
In-kind Contibution questions

Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:10:55.716093-08