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Scheduling Annual Certification Emails Reminders

This article provides details on how to schedule and manage annual certification email reminders in UC OATS. There are several annual certification email reminders available in the Notifications/Email tab of your App Admin workspace. This article will show you how to manage annual certification emails with the "Schedule" notification type. 

  • Variables must be enabled for a template before they are added to an email template.
  • Contact the UC OATS technical partner for assistance with adding or removing variables from email templates.

To schedule an annual certification email reminder:

  1. Select the "App Admin" button to open the App Admin workspace.Application Administrator workspace page
  2. Select the "Notifications/Email" tab.
  3. Locate the email you would like to schedule and click the "manage" button.
  4. Select "Schedule New Release".Schedule new release
  5. Enter the date and time you would like the email sent in the "Release Date" field and enter the fiscal year into the "Parameters" field. Then click "Submit". 

    Note: The fiscal year parameter should be the first part of the fiscal year. For example fiscal year 2021 - 2022 would be as follows: fiscal_year 2021.  Schedule new release
  6. The scheduled email you created should be listed. Select the "Recipients" button to view who will receive the email and select the "Delete" button to delete the scheduled email. Follow steps 5-7 for each email notification/ reminder that you set up. 
    Schedule new release

Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:11:00.908704-08