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240/246 Inclusion Report

The 240/246 Inclusion Report allows you to manage which 240/246 faculty are included in the annual 240-246 report sent to UCOP. 

  • There are two places to manage the faculty's inclusion in the 240/246 report: (1) this 240/246 Inclusion Report and on the faculty's details page.
  • The only faculty who will show up on this 240/246 Inclusion Report are faculty who are assigned the APM-240 or APM-246 policy.

The following will explain how to use the report: 

  1. Select the App Admin buttonreports tab page
  2. Select the fiscal year for the report
  3. Select the Reports tab
  4. Select the 240/246 Inclusion report link
  5. View the report. The Inclusion Flag indicates if the faculty member is included in the UCOP 240/246 report. You can manage the faculty's inclusion status by clicking on the yes/no button.
    Yes = Faculty is included in the 240/246 Report
    No  = Faculty is not included in the 240/246 Reportreports tab page

Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:10:57.003601-08