Home > Training > Health Science Faculty (APM 671) > Prior approval form workflow
This article provides an overview of the prior approval workflows for each of the forms in UC OATS. Before you engage in an outside professional activity, you should add the activity to UC OATS. UC OATS will automatically determine the category type and prior approval requirements of the activity. If prior approval is required, the form(s) will populate. This article provides a sample of approval workflows.
Category 1 / Request to Exceed Earnings & Effort Threshold workflow example
Student Involvement / Annual Certification workflow example
Health Science Faculty (APM 671)
Enter a new activity
Outside activity category types
Prior approval form workflow
Duplicate activity found
Report Cat 3 activities [Dean/Fac. Admins]
Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:11:05.116756-08