Home > Training > Health Science Faculty (APM 671) > Complete Category I form
This article provides step-by-step instructions for completing a Category I prior approval form. When filling out the form, include detailed information about your role in the outside professional activity and upload any necessary supporting documentation. After submitting the Category I form, it will proceed through your campus’s approval workflow. You will receive email notifications if the form is returned for revisions and when a final decision is made on your request.
To complete the Category I form:
Form Question | Description |
(a) General description of the business [required] |
Enter a description of the business. |
(b) Web address [optional] |
Enter the web address of the company with which you will be working. |
(c) Nature of your relationship to the entity [required] |
Select all options that apply.
(d) Description of the nature of your participation [required] |
Please provide enough details for the non-technical reviewer to be able to understand the nature of your participation in this outside activity. If your explanation exceeds the number of characters allowed, write your description in a Word document and upload it to the "Notes" tab at the top of the page. |
(e) Start & end date for which you are seeking approval. [required] | Select the dates on which you are seeking approval to engage in the activity. Please note approvals are generally granted for one Academic / Fiscal year, but may be granted for a longer term, up to three years. Check your campus help site for campus-specific information. |
(f) Estimated number of hours, engaging in activity before permission. [required] |
(g) Notes [optional] |
Upload supporting documentation or add additional notes regarding the activity. |
Health Science Faculty (APM 671)
Complete Category I form
Renew Category I form
Recall Category I form
Complete Student Involvement form
Recall & Add Students to form
Request Exceed TH form
Multiple Exceed TH forms
Form is returned to you
Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:10:55.390023-08