Home > Training > Health Science Faculty (APM 671) > Annual Certification - No Activities to Report
This article guides you through the quick and easy process of submitting your Annual Certification when you have no activities to report. Starting July 1st, Annual Certification for the previous fiscal year becomes available. You’ll also receive a reminder email from your campus about the certification requirements. Since you have no activities to report, completing your Annual Certification will only take a few clicks!
APM-671 Conflict of Commitment reporting requirements: In accordance with the APM-671 Conflict of Commitment policy reporting requirements, "All faculty must provide an annual report of outside professional activities to their Department Chairs each year, even if the faculty member did not engage in outside professional activities during the year. Faculty must report annually all Category I and II outside professional activities that were conducted during the prior 12 months, including activities conducted during normal service periods and during periods of leave with pay. All earnings derived from these activities must be reported as well".
To complete Annual Certification:
Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:11:07.090797-08