This article provides an overview of the faculty workspace.
My Activities and Forms
In this section of your workspace, you can manage your outside professional activities and reported effort. The dashboard layout varies depending on whether you are fiscal-year or academic-year faculty, with additional differences for Deans and Faculty Administrators.
Academic-year Faculty

The following is an overview of the faculty workspace:
- Activity buttons: The following buttons help you add activities and manage your activity effort.
- Fiscal Year Indicator: The fiscal year indicator displays the current fiscal year you're viewing and provides an option to switch between different fiscal years.
- Enter an Activity: Select this button to add a new activity to your workspace.
- Copy Activity: Select this button to duplicate an activity from a previous fiscal year into the current fiscal year.
- Add Effort: Select this button to log the time dedicated to the activity.
- Dashboard: The dashboard displays the following.
- Summary: The Summary section gives an overview of actions you need to complete, such as forms that need to be submitted for approval and Annual Certification that needs to be completed.
- Reported Time: The time threshold bar shows the hours you've reported against your time threshold. The first bar shows time within your threshold and the second bar shows reported time that has exceeded your threshold.
- Summer Months: The "Summer Months" section is where you indicate whether you will receive additional University compensation during the summer.
- Activity Actions: The following buttons enable you to manage your activities and report time.
- Edit Activity: Select to update the activity label, organization type, and organization name, as well as add student involvement to the activity.
- Delete Activity: Select to delete the activity from your workspace.
- Add Hours: Select to report the time you spent working on the activity.
- Activity Notes: Select to add notes and documentation about the activity. These notes are not private and can be viewed by staff with access to your account.
- Open/Close buttons: Select "Open" to view and manage your reported effort and "Close" to hide the effort fields.
- Forms: This section shows prior approval forms related to the activity, with the real-time status of each form displayed.
- Effort Actions: There are a couple of options available to help you manage your effort.
- Edit Effort: Select this option to modify your reported effort.
- Delete Effort: Select this option to delete the reported effort.
- My Annual Certifications & Summer Months Information tabs:
- My Annual Certifications tab: This tab is where you can complete outstanding Annual Certifications and view past Annual Certifications.
- Summer Months Information: This tab is where you can view and manage your summer month details.
Fiscal-year Faculty Dashboard
Here is an example of the dashboard for a fiscal-year faculty member.

Dean/ Faculty Administrator Dashboard
Here is an example of the dashboard for Deans and Faculty administrators.

- Reported Time: Your time threshold bar will show reported effort with compensation and without compensation.
- External For-Profit Boards: Indicates the number of external boards currently held, based on your submitted activities.
My Annual Certifications
This section of your workspace displays all your past and current Annual Certification reports. Here, you can submit your Annual Certification and check its status.
- Proceed to Certification: Select this button to complete your Annual Certification.
- View: Select the "View" button to view the previous Annual Certifications.
Summer Months Information
Academic-year faculty will have a "Summer Months Information" tab. In this section, you must confirm whether you will receive additional University summer compensation.

- Update Summer 20**: Select this button to confirm if you will receive additional University summer compensation.
- Summer 20** AC submitted: Once you submit your Annual Certification the Summer Information for that fiscal year will be locked.