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Including Faculty in 240-246 Report

This article provides step-by-step instructions for including a faculty member in the 240-246 Report submitted annually to UCOP. This report is typically intended for faculty covered under the APM 240 (Deans) and APM 246 (Faculty Administrators 100% time) policies.

  • Only reviewers with the 'Faculty Status Change' role can include a faculty member in the 240-246 report.

To add a faculty member to the 240-246 report: 

  1. Select the Faculty tab to view the list of faculty within your assigned unit(s).Faculty page
  2. Click on the All Faculty button.
  3. Locate and select the faculty member's name. 
  4. On the Faculty Details page, select the Include in 240-246 checkbox. Faculty details page
  5. Select the Back to list button to return to the list of faculty members. 

Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:10:56.962636-08