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Leave to Engage in Outside Activity

This article provides instructions on how to document a faculty member's leave to engage in outside activities in UC OATS. Anytime a faculty member is on leave to engage in outside professional activities, you have the option of flagging them in UC OATS. This flag does not change system functionality, but it adds an indicator next to the faculty member's name so reviewers and approvers will know the person is on leave.

  • Only reviewers with the 'Faculty Status Change' role can mark a faculty as on leave.

To flag a faculty member as on leave in UC OATS: 

  1. Select the Faculty tab to view the list of faculty within your assigned unit(s).Faculty details page
  2. Click on the All Faculty button.
  3. Locate and select the faculty member's name that is on leave.
  4. On the Faculty Details page, select the 'Leave to engage in outside activity' checkbox and add a comment about the person's leave. Then click the 'Update' button.  Faculty details page
  5. Select the 'Back to faculty list' button to return to the list of faculty members. 
  6. The faculty members on leave will display a sun icon. When the faculty member returns from leave, follow the same steps and deselect the 'Leave to engage in outside activity' checkbox.Faculty details page


Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:10:54.798182-08