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Annual Certification (Bulk Review)

This article provides instructions for bulk reviewing annual certification reports. Each fiscal year, faculty members are required to certify their adherence to the **APM 671 policy**, even if they did not participate in any outside professional activities. When faculty submit their annual certification reports, you will receive daily and/or weekly email notifications informing you of items in your queue for review. To streamline the process, annual certification reports with no reported outside professional activities can be bulk reviewed instead of reviewed individually, saving time and effort.

To bulk review annual certification reports:

  1. Select the Annual Certification tab.
  2. Go to the 'Fiscal Year' indicator and click the back arrow to go to the previous fiscal year. UC OATS Reviewer workspace.
  3. Select the AC In My Queue button.
  4. Select the Without Activities filter.
  5. Click the check all button.
  6. Select the Sign rows that are checked' button.
  7. Click the Submit Action button to complete the review. UC OATS Reviewer workspace.

Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:10:57.197677-08