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Category I Watchlist

This article will show you how to add people to the Category I Watchlist. The Watchlist allows approvers with the “Cat I Approved Watch List” role to view and add people to the Category I Watchlist. People added to the Category I Watchlist will be sent an email confirmation once the faculty's Category I form is approved. 

To add someone to a Category I Watchlist:

  1. Go to the Dashboard and view the Forms in my Queue section. The prior approval forms that have been waiting the longest will be at the top.UC OATS Reviewer Workspace
  2. Select the Category I form you want to review.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the form and select the Watch List Email(s) button.Top half of the category 1 form
  4. Enter the individual's name and email address into the form and click the Add to Watch List button. The individual does not need to have a UC OATS account to be added to the WatchList. Click close once complete. Top half of the category 1 form
  5. Continue reviewing the Category I form. Once the form is approved, the individuals on the Customer Watchlist will receive an email.

Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:11:07.162307-08