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Faculty Details Page

This article provides an overview of the Faculty Details page. The Faculty Details page gives approvers read-only access to the faculty's workspace. On the Faculty Details page, approvers can see the faculty:

  • Time/ Earnings Threshold
  • Reported outside activities
  • Reported earnings/effort
  • System emails
  • System messages
  • PDF of the approved annual certification report
  • Faculty member's email preferences

To view the Faculty Details page:

  1. Locate the faculty member.
  2. Click on the faculty's name.UC OATS Faculty Details page.
  3. You are on the Faculty Details page.UC OATS Faculty Details page.
    The following is a brief overview of the Faculty Details page:
    • a) Time Threshold: The time threshold bar displays the number of hours the faculty has reported engaging in outside activities and their time threshold.
          Earnings Threshold: The earnings threshold bar shows your reported effort.
    • b) Activity List: The activity list shows all reported activities, reported effort, and prior approval forms.
    • c) Manage Notification: This option gives you the ability to manage the faculty member's email notifications on their behalf. Faculty do not have an option to manage their own email notifications.
    • d) Annual Certification Details: Click the Annual Certification button to view the annual certification details and a PDF of the accepted Annual Certification.
    • e) Emails / System Messages
      • Emails: This section provides a record of all system-generated emails that have been sent to the faculty member, allowing you to review communication history as needed. emails tab of all emails sent to the faculty member
      • System Messages: This section displays system-generated alerts, providing insight into any notifications or warnings related to the faculty member's account. system messages tab that shows system alerts that have been generated
      • Deleted Activities: This section lists activities that have been removed from the faculty's workspace. If needed, you have the option to restore a deleted activity by selecting the Undelete option. option. system messages tab that shows system alerts that have been generated
    • f) Faculty Status / Fiscal Status - Only reviewers with the "Faculty Status Change" role may make changes in this area. Each of these options must be manually selected.
      • Not in good standing: This indicator may be used when the faculty is not in good standing. This will add an icon to the faculty's name in the reviewer, and approver workspace.
      • Leave to engage in outside activity: This indicator may be selected when a faculty member is on leave to engage in an outside activity. Selecting this indicator does not change system functionality. It is simply an FYI for reviewers.
      • Override time threshold: This option will override the faculty's current time threshold.
      • Override earnings threshold: This option overrides the faculty's current earnings threshold.
      • Include in 240-246 report: This option will include the faculty member in the annual 240-246 report sent to UCOP. 
      • Separated: This option will show if a faculty member has been separated from the university.

Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:10:56.332307-08