Home > Training > Application Administrator > Editing Existing Appointments
There are two ways to manage faculty data in UC OATS; Faculty Data Import and manually managing faculty data. This article will focus on how to manually edit faculty appointments. Please note, that only one appointment can be primary and the sum of the faculty member's appointment across departments cannot be greater than 1.0 (100%).
To manage a faculty's existing appointment:
Routing Department |
This field dictates the routing and approval workflow for the initial review stage for each form. |
Faculty Type |
Select the term type; Academic or Fiscal. An academic term faculty will have the Summer Hours module. Fiscal year faculty are not required to report summer hours. |
APM Policy |
The conflict of commitment policy governing this faculty member. Acceptable formats: 025, 671, 240.5 (Dean, General Campus), 240.1 (Dean, Health Sciences), 246.5 (Faculty Admin, General Campus), 246.1 (Faculty Admin, Health Sciences). |
Appointment % |
This is the percent appointment of this faculty member to the departmental unit referenced by dept_code in this record. If a faculty is only associated with one unit (department) and is working full-time then this value will be 1.0. If a faculty has multiple department/unit appointments, then this parameter will have a value greater than 0 and less than 1.0, and there will be multiple records in this data set for the same faculty member. However the sum of percent appointments among department codes for the same faculty cannot be greater than 1.0. Faculty cannot multiple appointments within the same department. |
Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:11:00.583194-08