This article provides an overview of the Data Import tab. The Data Import tab enables Application Administrators (App. Admins.) to upload faculty and staff data files into UC OATS efficiently.
- Faculty data file: When updating faculty appointments, you must include all existing faculty appointments in the upload. Faculty data uploads replace all current faculty data, so any omitted information will be lost.
- Staff data file: Staff data uploads do not wipe out current staff date; it only adds new data.
The following is an overview of the Data Import tab:
- a) Import options: There are three import options available: Faculty Data Import, Faculty Separation Import, and Staff Data Import.
- b) Upload Ingest button: Click the Upload Ingest button to upload the data import file.
- c) Data Import List: The list of files displays all files that have been previously uploaded.
- Upload ID: This is an ID number that UC OATS gives the file when it is uploaded.
- File Name: Click on the file name to view its details. If a data file upload contains errors, an error file will be available for download, allowing you to identify and resolve the issues before re-uploading the corrected file. To learn more visit the Resolving Data Errors article.

- File Status: This is the current status of the file. There are three main file statuses:
- Valid and processed - The file was successfully uploaded and processed.
- Complete with exceptions - The system was unable to process some of the records. To learn more visit the Resolving Data Errors article.
- Invalid - There is an issue with the file. (1) The file is not in tab delimited format, (2) there is no data in the file, (3) file columns have been removed.
- # of Errors - The total number of errors found in the file.
- Actions buttons
- Download - Download the listed data file.
- Delete - Delete the data file. Deleting the file does not delete the records that were uploaded into UC OATS. Deleting the file only removes the file from the list.