Home > Training > Application Administrator > Resolving Data Errors
This article provides an overview of how to resolve data import issues in UC OATS. When importing data files, there are three possible statuses: 1) Valid and Processed/Complete Successful, 2) Invalid, and 3) Complete with Exceptions. This guide focuses on addressing the "Invalid" and "Complete with Exceptions" statuses for faculty and staff data imports. For more information about importing data, refer to the following articles: Department Data Import, Faculty Data Import, Staff Data Import.
When a faculty or staff data file is uploaded into UC OATS the system will check to make sure the data file is valid and free from errors. The following is the system workflow:
The following will provide details on how to resolve data import issues.
To resolve the data import errors:
Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:11:06.414395-08