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Notifications/Email Tab Overview

This article will provide an overview of the Notifications/Email tab. The Notification/Email tab is where your campus email templates and email logs are located. The initial setup of your campus UC OATS interface requires you to review the email templates and provide feedback on the template content. The content and timing of the emails can be customized to meet your campus's needs. After the initial setup of your campus email templates, you may update the content of your templates as needed.

  • Please contact the UC OATS technical partner to:
    • Change any of the variables in the email templates
    • Set or change the timing on when manual email templates are sent out. For example, the Annual Certification email reminder is sent out by the UC OATS technical partner based on the dates each campus provides.


notifications/email tab


  1. Notification Type - there are four notification types,
    • Immediate - email is sent out as soon as the email trigger is met. For example, when a faculty member exceeds their earnings threshold the above email will be triggered.
    • Daily - email is sent out daily to faculty or staff. For example, reviewers can sign up to receive daily email notifications of pending prior approval forms in their queue.
    • Weekly - email is sent out weekly. For example, reviewers can sign up to receive weekly email notifications of pending prior approval forms in their queue.
    • Manual - emails sent out by the UC OATS technical partner as requested by the campus. For example, the technical partner will send out Annual Certification emails based on the dates each campus provides.
  2. Actions - 
    • Edit - click to modify the email template. Please note, if you would like to change or add variables to the email template, please contact the UC OATS technical partner.form to edit email template
    • Preview - Click preview and fill out the required fields to see what the email will look like when sent to the faculty member or staff member. preview of email before it is sent

Sample Email Templates:

Template Name Description To Content APM Policy

exceed_effort _threshold

Pay to plan Flag/Exceeded Threshold - Time Faculty


This is to notify you that you have exceeded the time threshold by @TIME_AMOUNT@ hours. Within 30 days of receiving payment, please remit a check (payable to UC Regents) for all income associated with the time above your threshold to your department Chief Financial and Administrative Officer (CFAO).

Thank you!



Pay to plan Flag/Exceeded Threshold - Earnings Faculty


This is to notify you that you have exceeded the earnings threshold by $ @EARNINGS_AMOUNT@. Please complete the Request to Exceed Threshold form in UC OATS.

Thank you!



Quarterly Reminder (TBD) Faculty


This is a friendly reminder from the Academic Personnel Office (APO) to enter your outside professional activities into UC OATS for the preceding quarter. 

If you have no activities to report, no action is required.

To login, please go to: https://ap.ucr.edu/apsystems/ucoats/

Thank you very much for your attention to ensure accurate and timely reporting of activities.

025 & 671


Stock Valuation Above Threshold Faculty


Your proposed non-cash income has been valuated and exceeds your earnings threshold. Please check UC OATS for the information and remit a personal check (payable to UC REGENTS) for @DOLLAR_AMOUNT@ dollars to your department Chief Financial and Administrative Officer (CFAO) within 30 days of this notification.

Thank you!



Stock Valuation Complete Faculty


Your proposed non-cash income has been valuated. Please check UC OATS for the information.

Thank you!



Email sent out with the form of the approval request that has been approved. Faculty Dear @TO_NAME@: 
The @ACTIVITY_TYPE@ approval request for the activity @ACTIVITY_NAME@ has been approved.
For Category I prior approval requests (with or without a leave of absence), the approval letter from the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor will be uploaded to OATS shortly. Please look for it under Notes and contact the Academic Personnel Office at academicpersonnel@ucr.edu should you have any questions or need more information.


Email sent out with the information about a note from an approval request that has been made. Faculty

Dear @TO_NAME@: 

The @ACTIVITY_TYPE@ approval request for the activity @ACTIVITY_NAME@ has been sent back to you with some feedback:



025 & 671


Annual Certification Reminder TBD Faculty


To ensure that our campus is in full compliance with outside professional activity reporting requirements under APM 671, I write to remind you of the annual requirement to report your Category I and Category II activities (see below for list) for the prior academic year by January 31 to the Academic Personnel Office (APO) .  Your department/School might have a separate internal deadline prior to APO’s deadline.  Annual reporting of outside professional activity is required for all HSCP members in all professorial series (Regular, In-Residence, Clinical X, Health Sciences Clinical, Adjunct, Visiting, and Recall) at all ranks (Instructor, Assistant, Associate, and Professor), regardless of percent of full-time effort.  If no outside professional activities were performed the prior fiscal year, annual disclosure via certification of non-participation in any outside professional activities will still be required.

To report your activity, please login into UC OATS at https://ap.uci.edu/apsystems/ucoats/ and click on the “Annual Certification” button. Please note that activities with “Payment Pending” or that are under review for prior approval must be closed out before completing the annual certification.

The list of Category I and Category II activities is:


Administration of a grant outside the University

Assuming an executive or managerial position outside of the University

Assuming founding or co-founding role of a company

Employment outside the University

Research outside the University

Teaching outside the University


Additional University-compensated teaching (CME & University Extension)

Consulting for for-profit entities


Consulting for government agencies


Consulting for non-profit entities


Consulting for non-profit health or education-related organizations


Consulting or testifying as an expert or professional witness


Consulting under the auspices of UC


Providing or presenting a workshop for industry


Providing outside consulting or compensated professional activities performed for entities such as the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories


Serving on a board of directors outside the University whether compensated or uncompensated


Other income-generating activities specified in approved Implementing Procedures


The link to the policy on conflict of commitment and reporting of outside professional activities under APM-671 is: https://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/_files/apm/apm-671.pdf.


Thank you for your consideration.



Annual Certification Reminder  Faculty


To ensure that our campus is in full compliance with outside professional activity reporting requirements under APM 025, I write to remind you of the annual requirement to report your Category I and Category II activities (see below for list) for the prior academic year by January 31 to the Academic Personnel Office (APO) .  Your department/School might have a separate internal deadline prior to APO’s  deadline.  Annual reporting of outside professional activity is required for all general campus faculty.  If no outside professional activities were performed the prior fiscal year, annual disclosure via certification of non-participation in any outside professional activities will still be required.

To report your activity, please login into UC OATS at https://ap.uci.edu/apsystems/ucoats/ and click on the “Annual Certification” button. Please note that activities that are pending or that are under review for prior approval must be closed out before completing the annual certification.

The list of Category I and Category II activities is:


Administration of a grant outside the University

Assuming an executive or managerial position outside of the University

Assuming founding or co-founding role of a company

Employment outside the University

Research outside the University

Teaching outside the University


Additional University-compensated teaching (CME & University Extension)

Consulting or testifying as an expert or professional witness

Providing or presenting a workshop for industry

Providing outside consulting or compensated professional activities performed for entities such as the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories

Providing outside consulting services or referrals or engaging in professional practice as an individual or through a single-member professional corporation or sole proprietorship

Serving on a board of directors outside the University

The link to the policy on conflict of commitment and reporting of outside professional activities under APM-025 is: https://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/_files/apm/apm-025-07-01.pdf. 

Thank you for your consideration.



Email sent out with the list of all the approval forms created the last 24 hours. Reviewer

Dear @TO_NAME@: 

The following prior approval forms were created in UC OATS for your review:


025 & 671


Email sent out with the list of all the approval forms created the last week. Reviewer

Dear @TO_NAME@: 

The following are the approval forms that were created in the last week:


025 & 671


Email sent out at the end of each quarter to remind faculty to update student involvement information. Faculty


This is a friendly reminder from the Academic Personnel Office (APO)  to update the student involvement information for each of your activity.

If you have no student involvement updates, no action is required.

To login, please go to: https://ap.ucr.edu/apsystems/ucoats/

Thank you very much for your attention to ensure accurate and timely reporting of activities and student involvement.

025 & 671

When an cat1 form request has been submitted which include in-kind contribution

Email sent when a Cat I includes In-kind Contributions COI Office


One of our faculty members indicated one or more of the following in UC OATS:

Current or pending acceptance of an honorary, visiting, adjunct, or other institutional appointment(either compensated or uncompensated) at an outside institution of higher education, research institute, or medical center affiliated with an outside institution of higher education, government, or other entity.
Current or pending participation in, or application to, talent recruitment programs sponsored by a government agency of a nation other than the United States.
Receiving grant support from a nation other than the United States
Category I information:
Faculty name: @FACULTY_NAME@
Activity Label: @ACTIVITY_NAME@
Activity Type(s):(only display if it is either of the two new ones)
Organization name: @ORGANIZATION_NAME@
Fiscal year of when the request was submitted: @FISCAL_YEAR@
ID number of the Category I: @FORM_ID@
Link to the Category I form: Go to this link
Please note that access to Category I details requires a UC OATS account. To request a UC OATS account, please reach out to your campus UC OATS Application Administrator to request 'Auditor' level access.
Start date on the Category I form: @ACTIVITY_START_DATE@

If you are unaware of this faculty’s outside activities related to the above, please reach out to the faculty directly with what information you may need

025 & 671

Email Logs

email logs page

Email logs will show you a list of all emails that have been sent out in UC OATS. You can filter the emails using the filter options.


Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:11:05.509488-08