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Outside Activity Category Types

This article describes the three activity category types in UC OATS. When faculty enter a new activity into UC OATS, the system will automatically determine the category type and prior approval requirements based on the activity type(s) they selected. UC OATS will automatically generate prior approval forms, if necessary.

  Category Type   Description
  Category 1
  • Require prior approval
  • Are most likely to create a conflict of commitment
  • Count towards the faculty member's time threshold
  • Category 1 examples:
    • Assuming an executive or managerial position outside of the University
    • Assuming founding or co-founding role of company
    • Employment outside the University

  Category 2 

  • Do not require prior approval unless a student is involved in the activity
  • Typically shorter-term activities that have a lesser potential for conflict of commitment
  • Count towards the faculty member's time threshold
  • Category 2 examples: 
    • Serving on board of directors outside the University
    • Providing or presenting a workshop for industry
    • Consulting or testifying as an expert or professional witness

  Category 3              

  • Do not require prior approval unless a student is involved in the activity
  • Activities are within the course and scope of University employment and are less likely to raise conflict of commitment issues
  • Do not count towards faculty member's time threshold
  • Category 3 examples:
    • Accepting honoraria for scholarly, intellectual, educational, outreach work within the course and scope of employment
    • Attending and presenting talks at university/academic colloquia and conferences
    • Developing scholarly or creative works


Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:11:07.619607-08