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Approver Role Overview

This article offers an overview of the approver role. Typically assigned to individuals with the authority to review and recommend approval (e.g., Division Chair, Department Chair, or Dean), the approver plays a critical part in the decision-making process. If the provided form(s) lack sufficient information for a final decision, the approver may return the form to the reviewer or faculty member to request additional details.

Email Notifications

As an approver, you will receive daily or weekly email notifications listing prior approval forms awaiting your acknowledgment or approval. These notifications include direct links to the forms for quick access. If desired, you can adjust the frequency of these email notifications to better suit your preferences.
example email notification for forms awaiting acknowledgment or approval

Terminal Approver

The terminal approver (e.g., Provost, Vice Provost, Chancellor) serves as the final authority in the prior approval workflow. This role is responsible for determining whether a prior approval form is approved and specifying the approval duration. The terminal approver will have additional options: 

  • Expiration Date - Terminal approvers enter the approved expiration date.
  • Denied - Terminal approvers can deny a prior approval request.
terminal approver page


Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:11:07.271516-08