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Report Effort/Time (Dean & Faculty Admin)

This article provides instructions for reporting effort on an activity. UC OATS calculates time in hours, not days. Faculty members should report up to a maximum of 8 hours for any day spent on a Category I or II activity. For traditional or hybrid in-person instructional formats (e.g., lectures, discussions), 6 contact or "podium" hours with students are equivalent to 1 day.

  • 1 Day = 8 Hours
  • 1 Day = 6 Podium Hours - traditional or hybrid in-person instructional formats (lectures, discussions)

To report effort:

  1. Locate the activity in your workspace, then click the Report Effort button.

  2. Fill out the effort form. 
    • a) Locate the activity for which you are reporting effort.
    • b) Select the remuneration type.
    • c) Indicate whether the reported effort was for podium hours.
    • d) Enter the amount earned and the number of hours you worked. Also, document how many vacation hours were taken.
    • e) Optional: You can add notes about the effort.
    • f) Enter the start and end date of the effort.
  3. Click the Report button to save the effort. The time threshold bar will automatically adjust to include the reported effort.

Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:10:57.041701-08