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Enter Summer Salary Information

This article provides instructions on reporting the days you will receive additional University summer compensation.

Per UC policy, academic-year faculty are permitted 8 hours (1 day) of professional activity for each week they receive additional University summer compensation, with a maximum of 57 compensated days allowed over the summer. If your summer salary is funded by an external agency, please check with the agency regarding its conflict of commitment policy.

All academic-year faculty subject to UC APM-025 reporting requirements must indicate if they plan to receive summer salary. This information must be completed before submitting your Annual Certification.

To enter your summer information:

  1. Click on the Enter My Summer Info button or tab.
  2. The "Summer Months Information" page shows your summer information for all relevant fiscal years. Select the Update Summer 20** to update the information. 
  3. Read the instructions and answer the questions.
  4. If you answered "Yes" to both questions, you'll need to enter the number of days you will receive additional university summer compensation for each month. 
  5. Click Save. Follow this process for all summers.
  6. Return to the My Activities and Forms tab.
  7. The "Summer Time" dashboard will be updated. If you entered summer hours, threshold bars will appear for each month. The threshold bars will show the total number of hours available each month to engage in outside professional activities. To make changes to your summer hours, return to the "Summer Months Information" tab.

Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:11:06.322253-08