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Reviewer Role Overview

This article provides an overview of the reviewer role. The reviewer role is typically assigned to department/unit administrative staff. As a reviewer, you will look over prior approval forms and annual certification reports to confirm they are accurate and contain enough information for the approver (department chair, dean, etc.) to make a decision. If there is not enough information available on the form(s), the reviewer will typically reach out to the faculty member or return the prior approval form to request additional details.

Email Notifications

As a reviewer, you will receive daily and/or weekly emails with a list of prior approval forms that are waiting for your review. You can change the frequency of your email notifications if needed. The daily/weekly email notifications will contain direct links to the forms. 
example email notification

Faculty Status Change Role

In addition to your reviewer role, you may be given the 'Faculty Status Change' role. The 'Faculty Status Change' role will allow you to change a faculty member's status in UC OATS and update a faculty member's time and earnings threshold. 

options to change faculty status


Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:10:58.845251-08