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Workspace Overview: Dashboard 

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the UC OATS Dashboard, your primary homepage upon logging in. The Dashboard serves as a centralized hub, displaying prior approval forms and annual certification reports across multiple fiscal years. These items are organized based on the number of days they have been in your queue, ensuring a clear prioritization of tasks.


The Dashboard has four sections: Forms in My Queue, Annual Certifications in My Queue, Summary, and Annual Certification chart report. The following will provide more information about each section.

UC OATS dashboard

Forms in My Queue & Annual Certifications in my Queue

The forms and annual certification queues:

  • The Dashboard displays prior approval forms and annual certification reports from all fiscal years, allowing you to access and review them directly. To review a form, simply click on it to open and begin your review process.
  • The queues are organized by the number of days a form has been in your queue, with the oldest forms appearing at the top. This arrangement ensures that the forms requiring the most immediate attention are prioritized.

forms and annual certifications in queue


The Summary section provides an overview of the number of forms and annual certification reports awaiting your review for each fiscal year. To access a specific fiscal year's queue, simply click on the corresponding form number.summary section with number of forms and annual certification reports waiting review in each fiscal year

Annual Certification Pie Chart Report

The Annual Certification Report provides a breakdown of the status of annual certification reports, including those that are not submitted, in process, or accepted.pie chart of annual certification reports that have not been submitted, are in process, or have been accepted

Last Modified: 2024-12-09 08:10:57.778591-08